Principal summit offsite at The Grove Hotel, Hertfordshire


  • To provide creative, engaging and energising intervention at off-site global leadership summit
  • To provide 80 participants with innovative means of learning
  • To create original and high impact behavioural event for a corporate culture where analysis, data and process were seen as fundamental
  • To identify behavioural best practice for participants when engaging with CEO’s of portfolio companies


  • Produced innovative series of short films: wrote character briefs, situation briefs, cast actors, filmed at London offices
  • On film senior partners discussed their approach to high level CEO meetings and also undertook meetings with fictitious CEO’s played by actors where challenging behaviours/comments were specifically designed to test partners and highlight learning for principals at the summit
  • Films were integrated within live presentation at summit with key message “Hone your ability to connect with everyone you meet”
  • Small break out groups – experiential conversation practice for participants with actor/facilitators playing range of CEO characters and providing feedback


  • Films were fun and well received, brought principals together and introduced the experiential exercises gradually and appropriately
  • Session was lively and provoked debate around appropriate behaviours, corporate values and common challenges
  • Tangible learning points for principals from specific feedback


“Kudos to you. We had fantastic feedback from all participants. They loved the interactive style” – VP, Global Leadership Development


  • Film series now enshrined on company’s intranet as learning development tool for new joiners
  • Now rolling out various coaching and leadership development courses and initiatives group wide

CEO expectations