Our leadership development blog has a wealth of stories, thought pieces and top tips to help you on your way to becoming a better leader. We hope you enjoy our thoughts and ideas. Please get in touch if we can help you in any way.

Communicating within cross-functional teams

Communicating within cross-functional teams

Very rarely is one person alone brilliant at many things. Most likely we have one thing that we possibly are brilliant at, a few things we are good at and…

Improving self confidence

Simple Steps to Improve Self-Confidence

Posted on 24th August 2017 in Emotional Intelligence

Confidence comes and goes for all of us and as with leadership skills and public speaking skills we are not necessarily born with it. The most confident people around us…

Actors inspiring business leaders

Actors inspiring business leaders

Posted on 14th August 2017 in Leadership Development, Theatre & Drama

Actors are hustlers and communicators. They have the perfect skills to help leaders develop their businesses and to inspire and engage teams of people and audiences. Actors have got to…

Leadership in an ever-changing world

How to be an inspirational leader in an ever-changing world

Posted on 3rd August 2017 in Leadership Development

Leadership has never been easy and it is not a trait that we are automatically born with. You have to learn those all important leadership skills which are particularly important…
